
America’s Got Talent: Moving Four-ward

Tuesday night’s episode of America’s Got Talent didn’t supply a plethora of talent to choose from, but there were a few acts I enjoyed – singer (and Gabourey Sidibe’s mom!) Alice Tan Ridley, dance crew Reckless, rock-climbing dance group AscenDance, and singer Michael Grimm.
The first group Nick brought on stage included crappy “comedian” Ronith, AscenDance, and the Bollywood-style dance group Mona Sampath Dance Company. Why did they make Ronith stand so far away from the other two groups? To shame him for doing such terrible impressions? Luckily, AscenDance advanced to the next round. Score one for the blogger!

Alice Tan Ridley, Iron Horse and Cheer SF were in the next group and Alice Tan Ridley moved on. Score two for the blogger!

The Strong Man, Lil Chris and Michael Grimm were in the next group and Michael Grimm moved though to the next round. Seriously, can I call the results or what?

The final group included Reckless, Hannibal Means and Antonio Restivo. Horrible Hannibal was eliminated the first, which meant the judges had to choose between Reckless and Antonio. Howie went with Antonio, Piers went with Reckless and Sharon broke the tie by selecting Antonio. Damn you, Sharon, for breaking my streak of predictions! I really thought Reckless deserved to go through. Why don’t dancers have better luck on this program? Are all the dance fans watching SYTYCD? What did you think of the four acts that advanced this week? Did your favorite make the cut or get left behind?

One final side note – I loved Train’s performance. I was obsessed with Drops of Jupiter back when it came out, and I’ve been playing Hey Soul Sister like crazy on my iPod so far this summer.

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