America’s Got Talent: Wakin’ Up In Vegas

Well, we’ve been watching for weeks and finally all the performers who’d been put through to the next round of America’s Got Talent congregated in Vegas. The acts were split up into three groups. Group A were the “Judges’ Favorites” and would get the first chance at auditioning. Group B would have to wait and see how many spots the folks in Group A had left them before auditioning. Group C was the best group to be in, though – they didn’t need a second round of auditions, they’d be going right through to Hollywood. The ten acts included the bellydancing girls, the Strikers All-Stars dance crew, the adorable Future Funk dance duo and futuristic performers Fighting Gravity.
The first few auditions were very magic-oriented and, for me, very boring. I can barely tolerate magic in person, and it just doesn’t come across that well on television. Harmonica players followed the magicians – I couldn’t believe there were enough of them to make a whole category, but there were. They were followed by the acrobats, and that was a competitive category. The opera stuff was kind of boring too – I was rooting for the guy in the kabuki drag outfit whose voice wasn’t at its best, but not for the guy with the rooster on his head. Things picked up when the dancers started auditioning. I quickly remembered my favorite group, Reckless. They didn’t disappoint me either – I loved the routine they did to Ke$ha’s “Blah Blah Blah”.

The musical acts were disappointing. How did that little red-haired lady in the bedazzled butterfly jacket make it through to the semi-finals? My favorite guy was the one who sang “Tracks of my Tears”. Piers didn’t seem impressed, but I thought he sounded good. The guy who sang “Try a Little Tenderness” also caught my attention.

To be completely honest, I found this episode so dull that by the time they got to the results I’d stopped caring about who made it through. I enjoyed the early audition shows, but I felt two hours was too long this week and I lost interest. Hopefully once the finalists move on to Hollywood I’ll become more vested in some of the performers. What did you think of Tuesday night’s America’s Got Talent?


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