America’s Next Top Model:

Welcome back to Everyone Hates Alexandria! Oh wait – is that not what I’m recapping? The show is actually called America’s Next Top Model? Huh. That’s funny, since every episode seems to start off with a speech from someone on how Alexandria sucks and should have gone home.

When the girls arrived home from panel, they got some breast cancer awareness swag, wondered if maybe they’d be doing something for a good cause, and then went right back to ragging on – guess who? – that’s right, Alexandria. For her part, Alexandria had a bubble bath and talked about how everyone hates her.

Warriors in Pink

Yes, the girls would be doing something for a good cause – the Susan G. Komen Foundation. The models would be styling themselves for a shoot with Nigel, which isn’t an easy task. Dude is intimidating.

Jaclyn posed with boxing gloves and adorably told Nigel that she was thinking about “beatin’ the crap outta breast cancer”. Brittani dug herself a bit of a grave when she told Nigel that she doesn’t think about anything when she gets in front of the camera. A lot of the girls, including Brittani, had loved ones who’d battled with breast cancer so it was an emotional shoot.

Alexandria won the challenge, which meant every other girl’s head came thisclose to exploding. She got to appear in a national ad campaign and PSA for Ford Warriors in Pink and, oh yeah, she also won a car. A CAR. Brittani was the most angry of all, and she made no attempt to stay professional on the set. She loudly bitched about Alexandria sorta-behind her back but at a level that Alexandria could hear, and the engaged in a profanity-laced argument. I don’t like Alexandria either, but Brittani’s behavior there was embarrassing. These girls were acting like the wrong kind of warriors.


Oh look, a return to the wacky, campy skits! I missed you, costumed ridiculousness. Honestly, I think we all needed to see the J/ay’s reenact Psycho. The world needed that.

The photo shoot itself was really fun, and I loved the way the girls were styled by the dude from Gossip Girl. The girls were supposed to act crazy, but Hannah took it a little too far. Mikaela got a little overwhelmed by the set, but it looked like she delivered a good photo by the end. It seemed as though Jaclyn had done a great job, as well as Brittani – but we knew Brittani would catch some heat for her outburst at the challenge.

Crazy for Bras

Only Tyra would, as the executive producer of the show, include footage of herself complaining that her lousy bra was making her breasts look as though they’re two different sizes. Oh, Tyra. People hate on you, but I’ll always love you for keeping things grounded.

Hannah: Hannah’s shoot didn’t seem to go well, but I LOVED the photo she delivered. Tyra told her that her film had been weak overall, though.
Molly: I don’t really care for Molly, and I didn’t love her photo. Her photo was dark, rather than the whimsical Alice in Wonderland brand of crazy that Hannah had brought. And you couldn’t really see her face.
Jaclyn: Holy crap, did she look hot. Did you know sweet lil Jaclyn could look so smokin’ hot? And with crazy makeup all over her face! This girl is moving on up.
Mikaela: Mikaela’s face looked very angular in this shot, but not in the most flattering way. She just didn’t deliver a fantastic photo, and after being in the bottom two last week I think she needed to more than anyone else.
Kasia: I loved the face Kasia made for her photo. She wasn’t afraid to look actually crazy, and it ended up really paying off for her.
Alexandria: I don’t think Alexandria’s photo was a particularly flattering shot – it made her chin look weird. But unfortunately, it was stronger than Mikaela’s.

Break time! Let’s get awkward and talk about Brittani’s super inappropriate outburst. Brittani didn’t handle the confrontation from the judges well at all, and it really made her look like she’s not ready to be a professional. It also made Alexandria look good in front of the judges, because she handled it with a lot more grace. Brittani left the room in tears, and the judging continued.

Brittani: After the drama she’d created, Brittani could have benefited from a killer shot. But it was pretty average, and compared to some of Brittani’s past work it was weak. Not what she needed to win back the panel.

The judges, obviously, had to discuss Brittani. And reality TV contestants should take note, because Tyra delivered some much needed advice – that the opposite of being fake is not being rude. While the judges talked about the conflict, more went on backstage as Alexandria confronted Brittani about how she’d been faking nice with her all along. Once again, Brittani stormed out. Most of the judges voted that Brittani should be given a second chance, but Tyra disagreed. I loved how Tyra made a big deal over how she isn’t the sole decision make on the show – you tell ’em, Tyra! She votes last, y’all! It’s not a monarchy!

I would have given Brittani a second chance, but made it clear that she was on very thin ice. After all, they certainly gave Alexandria enough chances to adjust her attitude.

The first photo called was Jaclyn, and I was thrilled. I was torn between liking her and Kasia best, and Jaclyn hadn’t had the honor yet. Molly (ugh…) was called next, followed by Hannah (yay!), Kasia (yay!), and Alexandria. Brittani and Mikaela were left standing, and I knew it would be Mikaela who went home. Brittani didn’t really deserve to be eliminated over her bad behavior without having the chance to redeem herself, and poor Mikaela just couldn’t find a way to make her stunning face work for her.

Tyra gave Brittani and pretty stern talking to, which she deserved. Hopefully she takes a good, hard look at herself and learns when she should bite her tongue, keep her nose down and just focus on her own work.

Mikaela left with a ton of class, and I hope she continues to work to become a model. I really think she has a super interesting face, and could have a good career if she can work on her posing.

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