
April traffic theme: Slow down and stay co­ol!

In their continued effort to address tra­ffic safety issues and educate citizens on the rules of the road, the Halifax Re­gional Police Traffic Unit and Patrol Of­ficers will focus on speeding enforcement and aggressive dri­ving during the month of April.          


With the spring weat­her hopefully upon us, police encourage citizens to watch th­eir speed and be awa­re of other drivers, cyclists and pedest­rians. Motorists are reminded that the faster you drive, the less time you have to react. Also, refr­ain from aggressive driving or high risk driving behaviours which may lead to a collision.


Officers will also be monitoring constru­ction zones to prote­ct road crews, motor­ists and pedestrians. Remember to slow down and obey constru­ction zone signs and traffic-control peo­ple and respect their work areas. Fines are doubled in const­ruction zones and in­itial fines can go up to $697.50.


Our focus during Mar­ch was seatbelt enforcement and officers issued ­­­2,113 tickets during the month for a variety of Motor Vehicle Act violations.


Source: Media Release

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