
art of armour

Ok, this is a totally random post but I was editing pictures from our trip to New York( it was in May!) and came across these from the Metropolitan Art Museum. This was the armour display and I was fascinated by it! Look at the detail.

The styles changed acording to country and year and what was in fashion. Bit of humour below:)

Really it was so interesting. Imagine the weight the horses had to carry including their own armour.

Erm…hello? Boys will be boys…….extreme fashion.

This was King Henry the 8th’s armour. Short and stocky. It was remarkable to me to think that he had actually worn this and was a real person, not just some historical character. I could almost touch it.

Worth a visit if you have never been, and this was just one tiny part of the museum. I took too many pictures of too many beautiful things. I could spend weeks in here.

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