Holland won the semi-final World Cup match against Uruguay last night. I was afraid the country would sink into the sea as everyone peed themselves when the final whistle blew. The Hague, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, heck, the WHOLE COUNTRY celebrated until the early morning. Now, along with the rumble of cars, the tinkle of bicycle bells and the hum of trams, vuvuzelas and fireworks are part of The Hague city soundscape.
The insanity continues until the final on Sunday. And if The Netherlands plays Germany I think people’s heads will literally pop off. Fortunately, Germany’s psychic octopus, Paul has favored Spain in the final. Thanks for the insight, Paul. Perhaps fewer heads will burst. However Gary, my psychic cheeseburger, favors Germany. But what does he know? He didn’t even remember that today was my 3 year wedding anniversary. Which it is.
Happy anniversary, Adam! Love, love, love!