A cheap night out.

Wednesday, Oct. 28th, at 7:00
“In The Nova Scotia Guide to Frugal Living, Carol McDougall—nicknamed “Frugal McDougall” by friends for her propensity for penny-pinching—offers a wealth of advice for living thriftily in the Bluenose province. Going beyond the common-sense mainstays like clipping coupons or giving up frivolities, McDougall has searched out the best money-saving suggestions for all aspects of daily life—from economical food buying and preparation to travel on the cheap to wallet-conscious gift-giving and philanthropy. As well, each section of the book is jam-packed with helpful tips, local bargain-hunting resources, amusing anecdotes, and accent illustrations.
Thorough, accessible, and convenient, The Nova Scotia Guide to Fugal Living is a must-read for anyone interested in cutting back without cutting corners.” publisher
Carol McDougall is a writer who has worked as a children’s librarian and creative writing instructor and has received the Mayor’s Award for Cultural Achievement for her promotion of literature and literacy in Nova Scotia. She has a “PhD in Frugality” from the school of life, raising two sons as a single mom. She is the director of Read to Me!— Nova Scotia’s newborn book gift program—and lives in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

A fast-paced and engaging read with a truly timely topic, this book is sure to be a winner with Strohmeyer’s (Sweet Love) many fans and women’s fiction fans who need a summer read. [See Prepub Alert, LJ 3/1/09.]-Karen Core, Detroit P.L. Copyright 2009 Reed Business Information.