
Aveda Sun Care giveaway

Omg, what a beautiful day we are having today in Halifax. It was like 7 degrees when we left the house this morning, but by the time I got to the office, it was already a lot warmer. And right now at my lunch break, it is 25. I love warm weather, obviously, so I’m just having such a great day, lol.

Talking about the sun, I’m telling you about a fun giveaway for sun care products, and it’s AVEDA. Love the brand but hardly try it, for the fancy price tag. I found Beth’s Spots On My Apples blog not very long ago, and certainly got attracted to the giveaway she has. You can win $72 of Sun Care Hair and Body Cleanser, After-Sun Hair Mask and Protective Hair Veil. I’m loving the colours at first glance already. Imagine how good they would feel on my hair. So, make sure you enter by June 30. Good luck

Thanks for stopping by.

Photo credit: Spots On My Apples.

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