The truth is, our bodies change as we get older. They stretch, pull, sag, bulge, hurt, and various other things. And despite our best efforts to eat right and exercise regularly, our bodies may never look or feel the way we’d like without some kind of intervention. In the past, people have opted for surgical procedures like tummy tucks or facelifts to look and feel better. But these procedures are risky and come with a lot of recovery time. Manual therapies like physiotherapy as well as fad diets and nouveau fitness regimes are another way to address issues – if we can fit them into our busy lifestyles and consistently implement all of the habits that go with them. It’s not easy and these methods may never get us the results we’re looking for.

However, alternative solutions are now available that don’t require as much risk, money, or any recovery time whatsoever. These procedures can give us the kickstart we need to look and feel better with (or without) support from manual therapies, diets, and specialized fitness programs. In fact, these alternatives often offer benefits that surgery and manual therapies cannot.
Non-invasive body contouring is the term describing these procedures which change the shape and composition of the body without invasive procedures. Catherine Crosbie is the owner of Body Works Med Spa & Wellness in downtown Halifax, a clinic that focuses exclusively on non-invasive medical aesthetics and wellness with zero downtime.
“We use premium, non-invasive technologies to help people make body improvements and enhance their confidence and quality of life,” explains Crosbie.
One of the technologies Body Works Med Spa & Wellness uses is called Emsculpt Neo. This particular device has been attracting a great deal of attention recently. In fact, the global medical aesthetics community recognized Emsculpt Neo as “the best body shaping technology in the world” in 2022.

What’s got people buzzing about Emsculpt Neo is that it marries medical aesthetics and wellness by reducing fat permanently and building muscle. With as few as four 30-minute treatments, clients get noticeably trimmer and stronger. Other unique benefits include an average of 19% improvement in diastasis recti and an average of 19% visceral fat reduction. Surgery and other non-invasive devices do not improve diastasis recti or treat visceral fat.
“We’re seeing some remarkable results,” says Crosbie. “One client with diastasis recti used to have to roll out of bed. After doing Emsculpt Neo on his abdomen, he was able to sit up out of bed. Another client used to get migraines when she exercised her arms. After doing Emsculpt Neo on her arms, she was able to work out her upper body without getting migraines.”
Adding muscle mass with Emsculpt Neo offers many other benefits. It helps us maintain a healthy weight, decreases the likelihood of developing obesity, improves athletic performance, lowers risk of injury, improves posture, relieves pain, and helps us maintain independence while aging. Emsculpt Neo is among the most researched devices in medical aesthetics with dozens of clinical studies.
Interestingly, for clinics that opt-in to the new applicators and software upgrade, Emsculpt Neo will be able to treat new areas and help to reduce more fat in areas such as the arms and thighs.
The newest treatment area is the lateral (side) abdomen. The brand-new Edge applicators are designed to wrap around the lateral abdomen so that they build muscle and reduce fat in the front while minimizing pesky love handles in the back.
“Introducing new treatment areas as well as better fat loss outcomes will definitely broaden the appeal,” says Crosbie.
Further to Emsculpt Neo, Body Works Med Spa & Wellness also offers EmTone, the world’s first and only non-invasive device to provide effective treatment of cellulite with no downtime. When you do Emsculpt Neo and EmTone treatments together, you get the Taut & Toned program. This program reduces fat faster, builds muscle, smooths cellulite, and tightens skin at the same time.
All of this may sound too good too good to be true, but non-invasive devices have their limitations. “Our devices deliver impressive results, but you can’t expect outcomes that are typical of surgery,” says Crosbie. “We’re pretty good at managing expectations now, and if we know we can’t get someone the results they’re looking for, we’re upfront about that.”
Crosbie also admits that cost is an obstacle for some. “These are premium technologies. Treatment is generally less expensive than surgery, but it’s still an investment.”
To explore whether Emsculpt Neo and the other aesthetic and wellness services are a fit, contact Body Works Med Spa & Wellness for a free consultation. Call 902-405-0858 during open hours or visit to book online.