In its Naturally Green Newsletter HRM hands out recycling tips for the holiday season.
Are you hoping to get your Christmas shopping done early? Before you head to the mall, consider this: 25% more waste is generated during the holiday season than at any other time of the year.
Here’s how you can waste less during the holiday season and give your gift a personal touch:
-Give an Experience or Service: Instead of giving merchandise, give tickets to a play, movie, restaurant or sporting event. You can also provide services to friends and family by babysitting, serving breakfast in bed or even shovelling snow for a senior citizen.
-Email your Holiday Greetings and Wishes: Send an email card instead of a paper card. These can be found and mailed at no charge on the internet.
-Wrap Gifts in Reusable Materials: Present your gifts in reusable containers such as baskets, glass jars, cookie tins or reusable gift bags instead of using traditional gift wrap.
-Make a Gift: Fresh baked goods like cookies and breads, or crafts made from reusable waste materials are always great gift ideas.
-Give a Gift that keeps on giving: Be sure to include rechargeable batteries for toys and electronics as part of the gift. Buy items that will last and try to avoid the latest “fad” items that will end up in the back of a closet. Don’t forget to bring your reusable shopping bags to the mall!
-Avoid Disposables when Entertaining: Use reusable plates, cutlery, etc. when entertaining instead of disposable plastic dishes. When possible use cloth napkins rather than paper serviettes. If you must use disposable items, choose paper over plastic and remember to compost the soiled paper products.
For more information visit or call 490-4000.