
Bangs: Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow. HA! So Punny.

Ally: Every winter this happens. I lose interest in dressing myself. No, I don’t go outside naked (actually, based on the last week with a sick toddler I have barely gone outside at all), I just look like shit on a stick 24/7. I completely and utterly hate winter clothing.

Coming off the summer, I’m motivated. I even pull out the colourful tights and sweater dresses. Pairing the outfit with a cute belt. I rock the wool mini-skirts with cozy sweaters and knee high boots…but I literally HATE MYSELF throughout the entire process.

In addition to not giving a flying eff about my clothing during the cold months (and yes, I realize the irony as I co-write a fashion blog), I also do not give a flying eff about my hair. Proof? I have not had a hair cut since August.


August was five months ago.

This is going to change. I need to snap out of this funk since I’m not moving to LA or Miami in the near future. So! Hair will be cut over the next couple of weeks and I need to decide whether to return to the bangs or to continue looking like an emo chick while growing them out.

L-A sent me a link to WhoWhatWear last week where there was an article extoiling the benefits of the blunt bang. I think I might be sold:


Bangs are especially good for my face as I’ve developed a deep-set wrinkle in-between my eyes that was caused by the “what the fuck?” look that I tend to dole out on a daily basis. My mother told me that my face would stay like that, I did not believe her. And bangs are just so fun, no?

We’ll have Golden Globes feedback later this week. Until then, can you help me out? Bangs or no bangs? Yes, it’s all about me today.

L-A: I am with you 100% on winter and getting dressed. Despite my love of January and all of it’s birthdays, it’s the month when I stop trying in the mornings.  This will last until sometime around Easter. This could be because my symptoms of SAD include “loss of interest in making sartorial choices for at least three months”. It is cold and it is dark and I’m wondering why I haven’t defected to California yet and I’m cursing the fact that most of my shoes are completely inappropriate for the weather. Damn I hate winter.

Anyway, let’s not talk about winter or my bad moods and their effect on my wardrobe. Let’s get back on topic: Ally.

I vote bangs. But I always vote bangs. Probably because I have the kind of forehead that means bangs are in season every season for me. I think this makes me biased in favour of the fringe. So here are some bangs for Ally to think about as she considers what her next hair cut will look like. She may or may not send me emails full of swears:


Ally's favouritest actress of all!

I know you all watch Parks & Recreation, so I don't need to tell you about why Aubrey and her bangs are awesome.

When you're really bored at an awards ceremony, you can hide behind bangs!

I probably shouldn’t have broken out the Lea Michele. Ally may never go for bangs now.  That actually may be the only case where I vote no on bangs. They do nothing for her or for her character.  As for Sandra and Aubrey, I like their bangs. Aubrey’s more than Sandra’s, but whatever. Bangs! I vote Bangs!

And off the topic of Ally, but still on the topic of bangs, can I ask about the flat iron that WhoWhatWear mentions – are those darn things really worth that much? I’m seriously asking. Mine just died and while I’m feeling lost without my flat iron, my broke ass student self is questioning just how much a girl needs to spend on a flat iron. That last one was a gift and I have no idea how much it cost. So, dear internet, please tell me how much I should spend on one of these things. And maybe some things to look for when shopping for a flat iron? Thanks.

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