
Bay Ferries Reports Rise in CAT Ticket Sales; U.S. Trips to Canada Still 20% Below Pre-Pandemic Levels

Bay Ferries release:

As of September 11, 2023, Bay Ferries Limited has sold 38,655 tickets for passengers who will travel on The CAT during the 2023 operating season (last report was 34,542 as of August 11, 2023). This
represents an increase of 1990 passengers booked over the same period last year. In terms of actual
traffic, 33,520 passengers and 13,178 vehicles have been transported as of September 11, 2023.

U.S. resident trips to Canada by automobile, a leading indicator of travel, tracked monthly by Statistics
Canada, continues to recover yet remains approximately 20% below pre-pandemic levels. The unseasonal weather this tourism season has had an impact on visitation to Nova Scotia.

As of September 11, 2023, the vessel completed 82 round trips with 11 round trip cancellations due to

The CAT operates 5 days per week (Sunday, Monday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday) until October 9, 2023. Departures times are as follows: Yarmouth 0930 Atlantic and Bar Harbor 1500 Eastern.
For further information, please visit
A completion of 2023 season report will be provided by Bay Ferries Limited by the end of October 2023.

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