
Beautiful Holiday & Leisurely DYI

Well bloggies it’s Canada Day here in this beautiful country of ours, the sun is shining, it’s beautiful outside, it’s a day off and dare I say, I am feeling MUCH more like myself!  If I wasn’t 35 weeks preggers, I’d lace up my runners and run a 5k! 🙂  So in compromise, I’m going to gear up for a little jaunt with the pootch.  She is chomping at the bit these days and this morning there was no runner, walker, biker or child that has passed by our house without getting a big ol’ taste of her little big barky face lunging at the end of her rope!  She’s harmless, but it makes me cringe.  I would hate to think that we are “those” neighbours that everyone raises their eyebrows at!  We had a few “incidents” this morning with the first few passersby, but after taking her through our “bad dog” routine hauling her inside and making her sit, laydown and stay so that she gets back into her “stable” mindset, I can now happily report that the last 3 passersby haven’t received her barky, lunging reaction! Yay Lucy!

So at least that brings me some hope that when I’m home full time with the baby over the next year, I’ll have more chance to monitor her all day long keeping her in check on a consistent basis, walk with her more and I think just being home with her 24/7 will tire her out more than she’s used to.  Right now I think she’s used to just sleeping most of the day (probably barking at every bird and passersby) until we get home after work, so times they are a changin’!

So today my Dad is coming up for a visit and to help us get some of our household projects complete.  We have high hopes of getting the front and back decks painted before the baby arrives because we all know our free time for that kind of stuff takes a serious cut and well, quite frankly, they won’t get done!

The nursery is half complete!  I am very pleased to say that while my intention certainly was not to solicit Dutch Boy paint in any way in my last post and only to ask for your advice, they saw my post and felt bad about me not being able to purchase the product in Canada and have offered to send me some more paint to make sure we have enough!  Thank you Dutch Boy!  Since we are kind of on a time crunch, we are just hoping that there won’t be any undue delays at the border 🙂  We are continuing on with the paint we have knowing that there’s more on the way if need be, and we are already pleased with the results so all is good 🙂 I’m really excited to share with you all the final results, complete with our nursery furniture, bedding and the works.  Here’s hoping that my big “homemade stenciling” idea doesn’t blow up in my face and I don’t make a mess of the walls! lol 

If any of you have posted about any DIY painting projects, especially those with stenciling, I would love for you to leave your link in the comments!

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