
Bedford Waterfront Design Study

Bedford residents enjoy a stroll on the new Bedford Harbourwalk during its official opening back in November 2009.

A public presentation of the Bedford Waterfront Design Study will take place on Wednesday, June 16 at 7 p.m. in the Basinview Drive Community School Cafeteria (273 Basinview Drive, Bedford).

Note: If you are unable to attend, the presentation will be available for viewing  at

Ekistics, a consulting firm engaged by the Municipality and Waterfront Development Corporation, will present the design study, followed by an opportunity for public questions and comments. The study culminates the ideas provided to date to a steering committee comprised of community representatives and property owners within the study area.

As stated at, on June 16 Ekistics “will present the draft plan, followed by an opportunity for public questions and comments. The plan culminates from the ideas provided to date to a steering committee, composed of community representatives and property owners within the study area.”

For further information or to be placed on a notification list of further meetings, please contact:

Paul Morgan, Planner
HRM Regional & Community Planning
Phone: 490-4482


Terry Drisdelle, Project Manger
Waterfront Development Corporation
Phone: 422-5115, ext. 109

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