
Behind the Papered Windows of Barrington Street

I met the owner of Starfish Properties yesterday and took a tour of the old Sam the Record man, Carsand -Mosher and the Roy building as I have received many emails and queries to why all the windows are papered on Barrington

Street. Believe me, I was concerned too. This is a wonderful street with such potential!

Looking up in the Old Sam’s Store
Firstly, Sam the Record Man, Gingers and the Granite Brewery buildings, all are under extensive redesign, four buildings will be combined into one large building with a 2 storey addition. The exteriors will remain the same. The buildings are gutted and within the next 3 weeks, new steel beams will be arriving for the addition. Combining all these old buildings is a difficult job both in engineering and architecturally. The project should be complete early fall. I know it seems that nothing is being done on Barrington, hence the meeting with Mr. Reznick. He has spent 1/2 million dollars so far on Sam’s and understands that people are concerned about the street. Mr. Reznick will be peeling the paper away soon so all can see the massive work being done.

Upstairs at Old Carsand – Mosher building

Carsand – Mosher building has all 4 parts rented: 1-dessert shop, 2-Argyle Fine Arts 3-an advertising company and 4- a brand name store that will fit into the sporting lifestyle hub which this area is becoming a destination for. Final touches will be complete by June.

Roy building is now under consideration by council for redevelopment and there will be a public hearing on May 10th, please checkout the design and attend the Public Hearing and have your say!

Furthermore, the Morse tea building will be home to new restaurant, Baton- Rouge, by May 20th. Not only will this give foodies a new place to dwell, but it will aid in the generation of new employment in the food industry in the Downtown.

It takes time for developments or redevelopment to be completed when you are preserving old building like those in the e-space development (Sam’s Granite/Ginger’s buildings).  Barrington Street is about to be reborn!

Starfish Properties web site:

Old Elevator Doors at Sam the Record Man
signed by bands

E-Space Plan


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