
Benefit Cheekathon palette

I like Benefit boxed blushes but find them a bit bulky to store or carry around. Then they go and pack 5 bestselling box o’ powder blushes and bronzers into the Cheekathon blush and bronzer palette.

I already have a shade or two but wouldn’t mind having all 5 in one place so I bought it. The only question is why they didn’t do this sooner!

Would not have minded either if they put the 6th shade (Hervana or Sugarbomb) in place of the brush, as we all know we would travel with our makeup brushes anyway.

Packaging is pretty, Benefit style. The cardboard box is sturdy and comes with a mirror.

The tray that holds the blushes and bronzers is removable, so you can repurpose the box. I might look into depotting the colours even.

The shade names are luckily printed on the  tray and also on the clear plastic sheet that covers it.

The colours do look slightly different, depending on the lighting. All full sized!

First row: Dandelion (soft pale pink, 0.25oz), Hoola (matte bronzer, 0.28oz) and Rockateur (rose gold, 0.17oz).
Second row: Dallas (dusty rose, 0.32oz), Coralista (coral pink, 0.28oz) and the natural-bristle brush.

Swatches for blushes/ bronzers normally don’t do them justice. The bronzers look natural on but are slightly light for me. Coralista looks the best on me among the 3 blushes. Dandelion is very cool toned, and Rockateur is shimmery, more occasion specific.

The $75 price tag is a steal, considering the size you get ($188 value, as each shade retails for $36). I do recommend this palette, unless you already have all the shades and don’t mind them separately.

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