The Oscar is fast approaching, and it’s exciting this year with 10 great movies competing. I don’t normally watch award shows, well I do mostly for makeup and dress viewing, but I probably would this year.
As usual, I would not nominate any blog in particular, as all the blogs in my read list – makeup or nail – are excellent and fun. And the list keeps growing every day. Exciting!
Somebody recently stirred the blog world with arguments about the honesty/ dignity of bloggers vs. the media. I found it ridiculous and didn’t read into it, as I don’t see the need. They can just stop reading blogs, I don’t really care. We write and have fun, that’s what matters. And I know you would agree with me.
For a little personal update: I spent 3.5 hours in the ER last night trying to get my foot checked out. The clinic doctor suggested it, as at the ER, I could know the xray reading right away rather than waiting for more than a week if I went with an xray request at the lab. The wait was very hard, but I was glad to know nothing was broken. I got a description for some foot wrap to support my ankle from now on. We got home at 10:30. It was such a long night but at least now I don’t have to worry about the ankle anymore. The doctor suggested a few more days off work to rest but I couldn’t. So let’s hope that’s all you’d have to hear about my injury 🙂 Thank you all who cared and talked to me on twitter. You make my recovery a lot easier to endure.