
Biographies: Writing Women

Sometimes the only thing better than reading a book by your favourite author is reading a book about your favourite author. I’ve been coming across a lot of interesting looking author biographies of late – though reviews, radio interviews and other sources. Whether modern day or historical, literary or popular, reading an author biography is not only a great way to learn about that author’s life, but also to see their writing in a whole new light.

Part two of two -this time recent biographies of female authors

Ayn Rand and the World She Made by Anne C. Heller: the author of the Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged has seen a resurgence in popularity of late. This is one of two well reviewed biographies of her to surface in the last two years (the other being Goddess of the Market: Ayn Rand and the American Right by Jennifer Burns).

Flannery: a life of Flannery O’Connor by Brad Gooch.

The Blue Hour : a life of Jean Rhys by Lilian Pizzichini: “This groundbreaking biography of Jean Rhys–best known for her 1966 “Wide Sargasso Sea“–examines the life of the psychologically traumatized novelist who forever changed the way readers interpret women in fiction.” (library catalogue).

Louisa May Alcott: the woman behind Little Women by Harriet Reisen.

L.M. Montgomery by Jane Urquhart: part of the Penguin series Extraordinary Canadians.

Maya Angelou: a glorious celebration by Marcia Gillespie: biography of the poet and author with photographs and letters.

The Talented Miss Highsmith : the secret life and serious art of Patricia Highsmith by Joan Schenkar: a look into the fascinating and sometimes bizarre life of the author of the Talented Mr. Ripley series.

Muriel Spark: the biography by Martin Stannard: a look into the life of one of Scotland’s most important 20th Century writers.

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