
Birthday Party Tonight: Ben really is our Oprah!

L-A: Oh. My. God. How much do we love Ben? Watch this video and you’ll know how much:

I know, right?

So, remember, party tonight! It’s at Dress for Success (we’ll be taking donations of cash and/or clothes/shoes for them) – 2016 Gottingen St. Here’s a handy map:

And you want to be there. You really do. Let’s just look at the reasons why:

tasty foods and cash bar

door prize from the fine folks at one of our favourite stores.


Door prize from Love, Me Boutique (all Canadian handmade – on Birmingham St)


a really pretty door prize from Shibang Designs


And those are just some of the prizes we have lined up. I’ve also got some books from Edwards Book Club and we’ll share some of the swag we’ve been given.

And, for those of you with a Yelp app on your fancyphone, if you check in to the party, you can get a sweet offer from Scanway and Saege:


So, pretty much, this will be an awesome night. Come out, have a drink and let us say thanks to y’all for being such awesome readers.

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