
Board of Inquiry Cromwell v. Leon’s Furniture Continues

An independent human rights board of inquiry will continue in the case of Garnetta Cromwell v. Leon’s Furniture Limited by the Human Rights Commission.

The complainant, Garnetta Cromwell, alleges that while employed at Leon’s Furniture, her manager made “racially charged comments and innuendoes” that targeted her and her race.

She also alleges she was unfairly disciplined. Leon’s denies unfair discipline and says any inappropriate comments brought to their attention were addressed as they arose.

The inquiry is scheduled to be heard by board chair Kathryn Raymond on Sept. 4 and 5, beginning at 9:30 a.m., and Sept. 6, beginning at 10 a.m. in the McNab Room, Holiday Inn Harbourview, 101 Wyse Rd., Dartmouth.

Source: Release

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