Bodybuilding for Fat Loss: How to Build a Lean Physique Without Losing Muscle

Don’t lose muscle when you’re losing weight. Click here for advice on how to build a lean physique.

We can understand why you’re worried about building a lean physique and not losing muscle – there’s actually a fine line between doing that and losing most of your muscle.

Below, we’ll show you how to do bodybuilding for fat loss and avoid losing your precious muscle.

Resistance Training Over Cardio

Now, let’s start by saying that you shouldn’t avoid cardio altogether. You should, however, avoid doing excessive cardio.

Fat loss is mostly perceived by most people as losing fat through cardiovascular exercises and that’s where the mistake is. People then struggle to lift heavy weights and constantly strain their muscles. This sends a message to the body that the muscles are needed even when there is fat loss, and so there’s muscle loss.

Training at a high volume – focusing on more sets and reps – will help in calorie burning but at the same time build more muscles. The average leg workout, for example, burns 300-400 calories. Upper body workouts burn around 250-500 calories. Light cardio is all that’s needed to slowly trim fat and maintain a lean physique.

Targeted Supplements

Supplements are a great way to aid fat loss without losing muscle.

BCAA is a common supplement among weight trainers during the cutting phase. They protect the muscles from wasting during energy-depleted workouts and help in the recovery process from the workouts.

Creatine is another good supplement that has also been extensively researched – it’s the most researched supplement. Most people notice creatine increases muscle strength and size during the cutting stage.

Steroids also work well for building muscle and size without fat – you can order steroids Canada made directly to your door.

Supplements are easy to take and work into your diet. Most of the time, they’re a tablet or two per day, so there’s no excuse not to use them.

Lean Diet

Believe it or not, if you want a lean physique, you must consume a lean diet.

To lose weight, you need to be on a calorie deficit, but the calories must not be super low. You’ll make it more so that your body uses muscles for energy. There’s a fine line.

Start with around a 10-20% caloric restriction compared to the maintenance level for fat loss without losing muscle. Once you reach the desired physique, maintain that calorie level.

Remember that protein is the most important nutrient in your lean diet. Ensure you take around 1.2 to 1.6 g of protein for every kg of weight. Include whole grains, fresh fruits, or veggies that give the energy required for a workout without the excess fat. And don’t forget healthy fats!

It’s easy to lose weight and get a lean physique without losing muscle if you follow the correct steps. It’s also super easy to do it wrong and lose all the muscle you’ve worked hard to get. Take fat loss as a slow process and don’t rush it with excessive diet restrictions and over training – that’s when you’ll start to lose more muscle.

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