
Boisterous bovine causes traffic and school delays – Bible Hill

At 1:15 p.m. on February 14, members of Colchester District RCMP in Bible Hill responded to a complaint of a cow running through the streets of Valley and Bible Hill. Police responded and located the cow, which had escaped from its enclosure located in nearby Salmon River.

The cow was a danger to traffic and pedestrians as it ran down streets, through backyards and wooded areas of the primarily suburban area. For almost an hour RCMP members were able to keep traffic controlled in areas where the cow was running, until the cow eventually found its way onto a frozen section of the Salmon River where it was contained by workers. It was then secured and returned to the enclosure.

Minor property damage was reported in the wake of the cow’s adventures, and two local schools had dismissal delayed briefly until the cow was out of the immediate area. No one, including the cow, was injured.


Source : Media Release

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