
Books to Crow About

Gifts of the Crow: how perception, emotion, and thought allow smart birds to behave like humans (M)
by John Marzluff and Tony Angell

“In this astonishing, beautifully illustrated look at the uncanny intelligence and emotions of crows, professor of Wildlife Science at the University of Washington John Marzluff teams up with artist and fellow naturalist Tony Angell to offer an in-depth look at these incredible creatures.

Redefining the notion of “bird brain”, crows and ravens are often called feathered apes because of their clever tool-making and their ability to respond to environmental challenges, including those posed by humans.” – publisher

Crows: encounters with the wise guys of the avian world (M)
by Candace Savage

“Crows are cool. These enormous black-clad songbirds are extremely social, solve puzzles, play with toys, steal from wolves (and the family dog), and generally show themselves to be among the brainiest animals on the planet. As science writer Savage says in this lively celebration of the world’s crows and ravens, they make a statement just by being themselves…” Booklist

Crow Planet : essential wisdom from the urban wilderness (M) by Lyanda Lynn Haupt

“Haupt (Rare Encounters with Ordinary Birds) delivers a delightful meditation on our role in the natural world. By focusing on the proliferation of the American crow, she provides a rich context for exploring the relationship between humans and nature. Crows are one of the most easily identifiable, intelligent, and prolific birds whose abundance stems from their unique ability to cohabitate with humans. Haupt contends that with a little effort, humans can tap into the natural environment even in the most urban of areas. Verdict Highly recommended for birders but especially fans of Bernd Heinrich (The Mind of a Raven) and Marie Winn (Central Park in the Dark)” – Library Journal


One Crow Sorrow (M)
by Vernon Oickle

Something wicked and dark has descended on the small town of Liverpool, Nova Scotia. In one week, an entire family is nearly decimated and the community is shattered by the evil in its midst…. On a damp March morning, the unexpected arrival of young Maggie Collins coincides with the sudden appearance of thousands of crows that descend upon Liverpool, covering it with a dark shroud of foreboding. The large ebony birds have visited the town in the past, and the residents understand that their return is a sinister omen. As the town is shaken to its very foundation, Maggie Collins goes about her mission.

Raven’s End: a tale from the Canadian Rockies (M)
by Ben Gadd

Spiritual, philosophical, political, and beautifully written, Raven’s End is an exciting novel about the lives of ravens. Over the course of four seasons in the spectacular Rocky Mountains, Raven’s End follows the adventures of Colin, a young raven who arrives unexpectedly to join the Raven’s End flock. His newfound friends include Greta, the wise elder; lifelong nestmates Molly and Zack; spunky teenagers, Sarah and Brendan; and the two scoundrels, Dolus and Garth. … Written with graceful prose and a passion for the natural world, Raven’s End will delight readers from ages 9 to 95.


Seven Ravens: two summers in a life by the sea (M)
by Lesley Choyce

“This collection is a philosophical and perceptive memoir of a time in author Lesley Choyce’s life when he’d been knocked down “several rungs on the wobbly ladder I was climbing.” On this journey we meet orphaned raccoons and lost arctic birds, revisit some of the history of Nova Scotia and are accompanied by the wisdom of ancient writers. This is a fascinating, meandering work, filled with gentle humour and unabashed joy at the beauties of the natural world.” publisher

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