
B.R.A. needs your support – so that B.R.A. can support you!

The Bedford Residents Association is holding its first AGM on Thursday, February 3, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. at the Bedford Legion (please note date change).

The purpose of this meeting, along with the AGM, is to apprise residents of the various initiatives which the Association plans on being involved in, as well as to provide a forum for the Halifax Regional Municipality to update residents on the proposed new High School and associated Community Center which may result in an area rate to Bedford residents.

The Association’s Mission Statement is “The Bedford Residents Association strives to improve the quality of life for residents and encourages a sense of belonging and pride in our community”.

There are presently four Goals:

1. To foster an environment where residents feel connected to the community.
2. To become a forum to engage residents and raise awareness on community activities, issues or concerns.
3. To collaborate with appropriate groups (e.g. social, recreational, business, community and environmental…) and other levels of government on matters of interest to Bedford residents.
4. To consult and work with elected officials on issues that reflects the collective voice of Bedford residents.

To adequately reflect the collective voice of Bedford residents, we need to build our membership. The annual membership fee is $10.00 and does not require your participation on the Board or Sub-Committees – unless you want to become involved.

More information on the Association may be obtained at

If you would like to see initiatives such as Communities in Bloom, Community Clean-ups, Yard Sales and Street Parties, and a central focal point such as a Performing Arts/Library facility, occur within Bedford, please consider becoming a member and attending our AGM.

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