
Bringing Balance:

As a mom of two and lover of good natural food, I am also a bit of a cookbook collector. My collection is split between my two workspaces: my office and my kitchen. I often lend books out to budding cooks and curious clients looking to try some new tastes and dishes. Here are my top picks, along with some favourite websites, in no particular order, in case you’re a lover too:

Clean Food, by Terry Walters: Simple real ingredients with recipes that are
straightforward and always taste delicious. Her recipes are a great way to introduce your family to new flavours and vegetables.

Super Natural Cooking, by Heidi Swanson: These recipes are outstanding. Sooutstanding, in fact, that I also own Super Natural Everyday, her second, and equally excellent cookbook. If you want to get a “flavour” of Heidi’s recipe style, check out her blog at

Vegan on the Cheap, by Robin Robertson: Great, inexpensive recipes that can keep your weekly grocery bill down whether you’re not even remotely vegan, a little “veganish”, or a full-force Forks over Knives devotee.

The Eat-Clean Diet Cookbook, by Tosca Reno: Straightforward, yet tasty, low-cal clean-eating dishes. Lots of meaty options for the healthy omnivores out there.

Simply Organic, by Jesse Ziff Cool: These seasonal recipes are simply scrumptious.


Bringing Balance:


The Modern Vegetarian Kitchen, by Peter Bearley: Winner of the James Beard Foundation Award and the IACP Cookbook Awards (I have no idea what these are or mean in the culinary world but they sound pretty impressive), the veggie recipes in this cookbook are a little more high-brow but still totally cookable, which I love. He also includes helpful illustrations on topics like “how to prep fennel”, which are very useful when you are decidedly not high-brow.

Ken’s Soup Krazy, by Ken Kostick: Anyone out there remember Ken from What’s For Dinner in the 90’s? Well this is his little jem of a soup book, with a kajillion different soup recipes, none of which have been a disappointment so far.

Whole Foods to Thrive, by Brendan Brazier: This is the one I bring out when I have a client insisting they need to eat red meat, and lots of it, to meet their fitness goals. Brazier is a world-class vegan athlete who eats a largely raw diet, which is astounding to most people. While it’s clearly an extreme diet and would be very challenging to follow for most of us, we could all benefit by taking at least a page out of this book.

The Moosewood Cookbook and The Enchanted Broccoli Forest, both by Mollie Katzen: Sophisticated, earthy, yummy food and delicious desserts. Amazing free recipe site where you can search by ingredient and find just about anything and everything! You can narrow your search by course, or dietary restrictions, etc. With an iPad in the kitchen you hardly need a cookbook anymore, except those irreplaceable collections listed above, of course! 🙂



Wendy McCallum, LLB, RHN, is passionate about providing busy parents with the tools & support they need to feed their families wholesome food, so everyone can play, learn, and feel better!  She is a mother of two terrific HRM kids, aged 7 &8.  For information and recipe ideas, visit her website.


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