
Buckle Up and Batten Down

McKay Bridge in the Rain

The wet weather in Atlantic Canada has been wild enough to make national headlines. The Globe and Mail is reporting  that storm surges and widespread flooding could be expected along coastal areas throughout the day. Environment Canada recorded nearly 100 millimetres of rain-fall in the past 12 hours with Shelburne taking the heaviest brunt in the southwest region of the province.

Over 9,000 people lost power to their homes this morning and with possible storm surges brought on by winds in excess of 80-100 kilometres an hour, more outages can be expected. As usual, the authorities are issuing cautions to motorists and those on the roads.

We want to know what you fine folks out there woke up to this morning: Did you have power? Or were you wishing you'd picked up that extra pack of batteries? Will it all blow over soon? Stay dry out there.

Read the full article here:

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