
But Mommm: My Letter to Santa

Dear Santa
I know these letters are generally written to you by the kids of the world but truthfully their asks are easy. Most of the time it’s things you can find in stores if you had to offload the elves in the toy shop.
Us Moms, we have different kinds of asks. We have the kinds of needs and wants that actually do require a heaping helping of your Christmas magic. If there’s anyone in the world who could grant my top three Christmas wishes Santa, I am confident it would be you.
My first ask is that you please slow down time. It just moves too fast. It seems like just yesterday that I was cradling our firstborn in my arms and now she’s seven. She’s tall, she goes to lessons and practices, she has opinions and she can even make smoothies by herself. She’s practically half way to her Driver’s License. I absolutely love the girl she is turning into and am so excited about how our relationship is evolving as she gets older but it feels like I blink and six months has gone by. The same can be said for her baby brother. He’s my baby and since he’s our last child, he’s supposed to be a baby for a really long time isn’t he? How is he turning three? How is it that there are no more diapers in our house? How is it that when I thank him for helping me shovel he says things like, “my pleasure” or when I get upset at how he and his sister are behaving in the bath he comments that the bath “just wasn’t a happy celebration tonight.” Please Santa, just slow down time.
My second wish is that you help me to appreciate me. Please give me more daily affirmations Stuart Smalley style – “I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!” I work hard to keep our family’s ship sailing – making meals, cleaning, packing lunches, making sure we have everything we need everywhere we go, buying necessities for the kids, registering for activities, getting everyone to activities and parties – the list goes on and on. Yet somehow Santa, I often feel like I should be doing more or what I do just isn’t good enough. At the same time, I also need you to help me focus on myself a little more. Help me get to the gym, take a nice long bubble bath or replace those frayed jeans with a new pair. All I ask Santa is that every so often you stand me in front of a mirror and make me tell myself that I’m awesome. I’m a solid employee, a caring friend, a loving daughter, a great wife and an incredible Mom. Once I’ve done that Santa, please tell me to go buy myself a new outfit.
And finally Santa, all I ask is that you please watch over everyone I love and keep them happy, safe and healthy. This includes our friends and family and most importantly, my husband and three beautiful kids. I realize more and more as I get older that when I look at them, it is like looking at pieces of my heart running and dancing around the room. I’ve been a good girl this year Santa – if you could please help me to protect them and keep smiles on their faces it would mean more to me than anything you and this world could ever possibly give me.
And that, Santa, is my Christmas list. Thank you for considering using a little of your magic on me.
Always a believer,
Deanna is a Mom of three, wife, marketer and blogger – lover of travel, morning coffee, family time, belly laughs, good friends and uninterrupted showers! Follow her on twitter @DeannaCMiller

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