
But Mommm: Power of Connection

We’re thrilled to introduce you to our newest blogger Tracy Ashley.  As a self-employed grad from the Mount who married her high-school sweetheart and lives in a small rural community raising two young Minecraft loving boys – we’re confident she’s going to have a lot of great stories and thoughts.

She’ll be sharing the mom blogger desk with (our beloved) Deanna so tune in every other Monday for a peek into Tracy’s life. Hope you enjoy her first post on being connected!


In early December I was lucky enough to take part in a year-end session intended to help me reflect on my year and set me on a successful path for the new one. While the craziness of the holidays got in the way of me actually completing it (yet), I was able to come up with my one word theme to drive my decisions and efforts. My 2015 word is connect. The word connect has many meanings for me and speaks to the kind of Mom, wife, daughter, sister, friend and professional I’ll strive to be this year. For me it means connecting or partnering with other freelancers, helping to connect people through my networking events, reconnecting with myself and of course creating deeper and more meaningful connections with my family and friends.

It’s an intentional vibe I carry with me everyday. Only two months in I feel like it’s making a difference. I‘ve started going to yoga classes again and I was thrilled to accept this blog as a way to connect with a community of parents. Just today I got an offer to be part of a new freelance agency, had a long overdue four-hour visit with my Mom and after a recent storm-stayed Valentine’s weekend with my hubby of 12 years I feel things are going great.

As I write this article tonight after two heart-felt, warm and loving snuggles with my boys I feel I am living more in the present; not only with them but for them too.  I stop to listen to what they have to say more whether it seems big or small at the time. I’m taking the time to play indoor bowling and catch with them and choosing board games for us over watching yet another movie. I’ve tried to stop saying “no” just for the sake of it. I find myself with just a little more patience as I remind myself it won’t be long until I’ll have all the time in the world to read my book. I also catch myself staring at them just a little longer sometimes, taking in their smiles, laughs and all their wonderful quirkiness.

While nothing grand has happened in these first two months and we haven’t gone on any extravagant trips together, I’m making a conscience effort to genuinely connect with them through everyday ordinary moments.

Don’t get me wrong my special word hasn’t given me magical powers or made every decision coated in sunshine and roses.  I still snark and bark at them when I’m asking them to brush their teeth for the millioneth time or jump in a little too quickly when they squabble, but I think I am getting there, one connection at a time.

Tracy is a self-employed Mom of two boys, trying to get it right the first time. By day, helping companies tell their stories through words, media and events. By night, navigating the world of Lego, Minecraft and Harry Potter.

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