This is a little something I did back in 2004
with out further adieu I present Candy Sushi
First you need the makings of Rice Krispy squares just add more marshmallows so it’s stickier
adding some mini marshmallows‘
This is a big load so you may need a hand whisking it up , I enlisted he help of the world devourer Galactus
once you have your mess of Rice Krisy Square-ish batter
ahhh I knew I shouldn’t have used the microwave, it has become sentient
Galactus will save us, he’s really nice he’s just misunderstood because he’s always hungry
now that Galactus has wrestled RiceKrispius and stole his energy we have our batter back we can work with
Lay out the batter on some fruit rollups, and pick a filling I chose Gummi worms but Licorice, chocolate or any other yummy you can think of will do
the worms are all laid out
roll them up, don’t judge my rolling skills!
cut them up and voila, Candy Sushi