
Yesterday we had two reasons to celebrate. 

Our closest friends Holly & Dean moved into their beautiful first home!!


Of course it poured rain the entire time but that made it all the more interesting. 😉


For a full tour of their new place, check out Holly’s post here.


It was also hubby’s 26th birthday!  Happy Birthday babe!! 🙂

(Excuse the scuzzy clothes, it was moving day after all!)


DQ Ice Cream Cake as per his request.



Later on in the evening we met up with a some friends and family at the Mongolie Grill.  Not sure why, but I was a little disappointed with our experience.  The service wasn’t the greatest and I was tired and not feeling well.

Plans for today include catching up with all of you, a bit of cooking, getting in a run and a visit with one of my oldest friends.

PS. Thank you for all the comments about running.  I’m excited!! And, Ang & Amy, no doubt you’ll make your own comebacks too. 😉

Book Buzz – Page 99 Test, Fictitious History and Alexander McCall Smith

Marauders Gameday; Metros out for Revenge on Haligonia.ca