
Change your clocks, change your batteries

**** HRFE Media Release

Daylight savings time ends this Sunday, Nov. 3, at 2 a.m.. Please change the batteries in and test all your Smoke and Carbon Monoxide (CO) Alarms. Only working alarms save lives!

Halifax Regional Fire & Emergency (HRFE) wishes to remind you to ‘fall back’  tonight before you go to bed.

When you push back your clocks by an hour you should also change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms. While you’re at it, check the expiry on the back of the alarms. The National Fire Protection Association recommends smoke alarms be replaced every 10 years.

And while we encourage people to change alarm batteries when adjusting the time on your clocks, you should test your smoke or carbon monoxide alarms once a month, to ensure they are still working.

HRFE investigators frequently discover smoke alarms didn’t sound when they followed up on serious fires. Usually it’s either because the alarm was disconnected, batteries were dead, or they were taken out to be used for something else and not replaced.

HRFE has a program called, ‘Alarmed and Ready’. The purpose of the program is to provide a smoke or carbon monoxide alarm for those who do not have the financial means to obtain one. Call 311 to request your alarm. Also, HRFE wants to PUSH your buttons. Crews are out in communities across the municipality doing PUSH (Practise Using Safety at Home) visits that include smoke and CO alarm testing. Watch for the red truck or call 311 to request a visit!

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