
Changes Give Municipalities Clearer Ability to Act on Stray Livestock

Government is streamlining legislation related to agricultural fencing and stray animals to make it easier for municipalities to act in the interests of public safety.

Changes introduced today, Oct. 19, will amend the Fences and Detention of Stray Livestock Act to remove the requirement for municipalities to be designated by the governor-in-council in order to better respond to situations involving stray livestock.

The Fences and Impounding of Stray Animals Act, an outdated and duplicating piece of legislation, will be repealed.

“Municipalities in rural parts of Nova Scotia play an important role in responding to issues involving fencing and stray livestock,” said Agriculture Minister Keith Colwell. “We’re making these changes to improve their ability to respond to concerns and protect public safety.”

The amended legislation clarifies that it applies to all municipalities defined under the Municipal Government Act, retains a fencing arbitration committee and clarifies its composition and updates other language and references.

“These changes will enable municipalities to effectively and efficiently respond to stray livestock issues while lessening the administrative requirements,” said Mr. Colwell.

The department consulted with the executive of the Union of Nova Scotia Municipalities and the Nova Scotia Federation of Agriculture on the changes.

Source: Release

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