
Changes To Harness Racing Act Introduced

Amendments introduced today, Oct. 8, to the Maritime Provinces Harness Racing Commission Act make changes needed for Newfoundland and Labrador to join the commission.

The administrative changes include:
— renaming the commission the Atlantic Provinces Harness Racing Commission
— increasing its membership from six to eight to include two representatives from Newfoundland and Labrador
— adjusting requirements for quorum to reflect the increased number of members

New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island will also have to amend its legislation, and Newfoundland and Labrador will need to introduce new legislation, before the amendments can be proclaimed.

“Nova Scotia is laying the ground work to grant a request from the province of Newfoundland and Labrador to become part of the commission,” said Agriculture Minister Keith Colwell. “When all provinces in Atlantic Canada have made the necessary legislative changes there will be one organization to promote and regulate harness racing for the Atlantic provinces.”

The act will also replace references to Maritime with Atlantic, with the exception of reference to the Council of Maritime Premiers and its associated act.

The Maritime Provinces Harness Racing Commission was established by the Council of Maritime Premiers in 1994 to regulate the industry in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island.

The commission is responsible for establishing uniform rules for harness racing in the region and recruiting, training, evaluating and deploying officials. It promotes and markets harness racing and encourages breeding and racing of horses.

Source: Release

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