
Check out ‘Zamboni guy’ in this weeks public safety blog

You may have heard about Night Hoops basketball programs that are designed to give youth something positive to do in the evenings to reduce the chances of them getting into trouble.

Unfortunately, basketball isn’t for everyone. That’s where programs like Class Is In by Concrete Roots (featured in last week’s blog) are so important, as they give youth accessible options for healthy lifestyle choices.

HRM has unwittingly taken this theory to a whole new level with the opening of the Oval – perhaps the biggest phenomenon on the healthy crime prevention front to ever hit HRM. I go quite regularly and am continually impressed by the scores of people there, many of whom I’m sure would never have skated if it wasn’t for this unique, free opportunity – complete with free skate, helmet and skating aids.

The Oval is a wonderful venue for exercise, fun and fresh air; a perfect recipe for physical and mental health.

To see the ‘Zamboni guy’ and to visit Superintendent Don Spicer’s blog, click here.


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