Christmas Eve

L-A: Are you losing your shit yet? Or did you get all your shopping done early?  My mom is the queen of early shopping, so Christmas Eve for us meant going to the mall to get in on some sales and to watch people lose their shit in the mall and buy things that no one really wants to find under the tree. Trust me: no matter how much your wife wants a food processor, I can guarantee you she doesn’t want it as a Christmas present – unless maybe she’s a chef.  (Although, I did once get a giant blue Kitchenaid mixer and it was an AWESOME present).

Anyway, today’s video! Bob Dylan may be kind of old and creepy in it, but this is a great video/song:

I want all my holiday parties to be like that one, including swinging from light fixtures and a good fight.  I also want a couple of the outfits the ladies in the video are wearing. I particularly like the sailor top and beret, but fear I’d look like I was wearing a costume if I tried that look.

What I do like about the outfits in this video is that they are party wear that isn’t frou frou. Because while I love the frou frou during the holidays, it doesn’t necessarily lend itself to half a bottle of wine, dancing, and wearing of santa hats.  These dresses seem to have a kind of flowy, depression-era chic to them. I’d say something about recessionista blah blah bringing back simpler times blah blah, but really, not my bag. I just like fun dresses and a reason to wear a cute hat.  So here are some party dresses that I think would suit the dress code of Bob Dylan’s creepy, but totally fun Christmas party:


Stella McCartney

I’m generally not a huge Stella fan, but this, I like. I enjoy the, dare I say it, “flirty” frock. I want to wear them with a cloche and pretend I’m Dorothy Parker while drinking four or more martinis.

But if Bob Dylan’s jacket is more your style, you can find a jacket with piping as that look appears to be out there now. Like with this number:


I actually don’t mind it. I actually don’t hate Bob Dylan’s jacket. It’s possibly the least creepy thing about him.

Anyway, enjoy your day before Christmas. We’ll have a post up for you tomorrow, although I can’t promise shoe porn for Monday – it’s a holiday and we need more shoes submitted.

Blush Response Stills

Quality Street Lovers, pay attention!