CRA conducted the survey with a representative sample of HRM citizens from May 3 to 14, 2011. Results are based on a sample of 400 adult residents in HRM and are accurate to within plus or minus 4.9 percentage points, 95 out of 100 times.
The results are as follows:
– 83% are mostly or completely satisfied with the quality of policing in their community
– 81% are mostly or completely satisfied with police visibility and presence
– 90% are somewhat or completely confident police will respond to emergencies in a timely and efficient manner
– 87% are mostly or completely satisfied with the peace and order in local neighbourhoods
– 87% feel very or completely safe in the community where they live
– 90% feel very or completely safe in the local areas where they go for shopping, recreation and work
Halifax Regional Police and Halifax District RCMP are encouraged by the positive citizen satisfaction survey results. We continue to push forward with our crime reduction strategy.
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