
City shops for new ice plant for Lions Rink

I see the city has a tender out for a replacement ice plant for the Spryfield arena. Interested contractors are to meet at the site on Drysdale Road on Friday for a site tour. The rink is certainly well used. I see from the rink website that it was first opened in 1972. Here’s a little more background from the RFP: 

Halifax Regional Municipality on behalf of the Spryfield Lions Rink & Recreation Society is 
seeking an Arena Ice Plant partner for the Spryfield Lions Rink Refrigeration Plant Replacement 
project located in Halifax, NS. The successful proponent will provide labour, equipment and 
materials required for a complete Ice Plant with 100% heat recovery installation in accordance 
with the technical specifications which are included and form part of this RFP. The intent of this RFP is to invite specialized, experienced, refrigeration, Ice Plant contractors to provide a design for the Spryfield Lions Rink Refrigeration Plant Replacement project that will 
provide quality ice; achieving 100% heat recovery for use in building mechanical systems. The 
technology proposed must offer environmentally friendly, sustainable, efficient design and use 
cost effective systems, refrigerants and components. 


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