In March Common Cents Mom turned 3 years old.
In March I also celebrated 2 years on Twitter. I also celebrated 2 milestones on Twitter 10,000 tweets and 3,ooo followers.
For me this is a big deal so we are going to celebrate!
I am hosting my 2nd Twitter Party.
Save the date: April 9th from 9-11 pm EST .
The topic for the night will be Building Community.
There will be prizes and giveaways, as I firm up the sponsors I will announce them here soon.
To be in on any of the prizing you :
Must be following @commoncentsmom on Twitter.
You can RSVP for the event here by leaving a comment on this post..Hope to see you there.
By the way you do get extra entries if you subscribe to Common Cents Mom, and Like the Facebook page.
2 of the prizes will be for those who RSVP and the rest will be random at the Twitter Party.
* If you are interested in offering a donation of a prize to the party please do contact me by DM or email, and I can definitely give you the details.