
company’s coming

I’ve been sporadically de-cluttering and tidying lately, getting ready for some relatives arriving next month. Interesting how when you have people coming over, you suddenly see your home in a different light. Sometimes not so great 🙂 All of sudden I’ve got big plans. Things I NEED to get done but really have no time for right now or extra money. So I’ve decided to do some small fixes that will make a difference!
Lamps are an easy way to perk up a space. I love em. They are cozy and spread cheery pools of warmth. The bedroom where my British troops will be staying needs new bedside illumination. So I went online to look at table lamps for ideas. Boy, who knew there were so many options. From stained glass lighthouses to natural dawn simulators to rustic bear lamps to red Chinese Food carry out box lamps….hmmm. I’m thinking simple. Probably will end up with something like this lamp Monty(as a kitten) is curled under. I love this picture:) Anyway, I’d best get back to work. Dusting, sweeping, redecorating:) I should really be painting!

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