
Confessions of a Picky Foodie. #ThinnerThursday

I am a picky eater.

Well, that is what my husband would tell you anyway. I would argue that I am just a normal gal with normal tastes who likes some things and dislikes others.
The truth is, there are a lot of things I don’t like. And those things? Seem to be the healthiest food around. Sure, I’ll eat most everything if it is placed in front of me, but I would never choose to eat raspberries, blueberries, citrus fruit, mushrooms, tuna, and tofu.
When I was younger, this list was much longer. Strawberries, peppers, onions, tomatoes, shrimp, and all types of meat. I would have been happy chowing down on Kraft Dinner, tomato soup, and bowls of cereal. Add hamburger helper to my list and you pretty much have my entire university menu.
I’ve slowly been increasing my palate. Meeting my husband helped. He ate all kinds of things that I was not used to at all. Sushi, Indian food, tofu, and a variety of vegetables just to name a few. He would make me dinner and I would eat what was on my plate, discovering new food loves and determining once and for all that I do not like tofu.
Now that I am a mother, I really want to encourage my child to enjoy eating. I don’t want him to just delight in the over-processed, excessively sweet treats. I want him to be passionate about real, fresh, healthy food. I want his palate to be awakened to many different tastes and seasonings. And this means that I must start introducing my family to a variety of foods.
Since starting my weight-loss journey, I’ve notice a distinct change in my eating habits. It started with portion control and slowly moved into making healthier food choices. My breakfasts turned from cereal with milk to yogurt, oatmeal, bananas and melons. I could eat infinitely more fruits and veggies and still feel good about my body. And the more fruits and vegetables I ate, the more a started noticing how delicious they were.
A few Saturdays ago, my husband suggested that we check out the markets that are very near to us. Our city boasts a few really large and extensive farmers markets, but there is a smaller one in my community that is only a short walk to my house. Vendors spill out of the building and provide everything from cupcakes to crafts to fresh produce.
Oh! the fresh produce! As we wandered around that Saturday, my husband and I decided to purchase a few local, farm-grown veggies: Spinach, corn on the cob, and tomatoes.
Apparently I have never tasted tomatoes before. Not real, fresh, delicious tomatoes! These were the juiciest, most flavourful tomatoes that have ever passed through my lips. I was hooked.
I was hooked on buying foods that support my local economy. I was hooked on eating fresh food that tastes amazing. I was hooked on going to the heart of my community to find healthy, delicious food.
I find myself excited now as I plan meals. I look forward to trying new combinations of food that will nourish my body while tasting great. I am proud to admit that this overall healthy attitude has really affected my food purchasing habits and my food consuming habits. 
I love that I am becoming passionate about healthy food.

Starting Weight (this time around): 151.5 lbs

Current Weight: 138.9 lbs
Weekly Loss: 0.2 lbs
Total Loss: 12.6 lbs
And now, it is your turn. I would love to connect with you on your healthy living journey. You can talk about whatever you want – your milestones, goals attained (or not), losing weight, eating better, exercising, or other healthy lifestyle changes and choices. 
Link up below and be sure to include a link back here on your blog so that others can connect as well. Read and comment on each other’s posts. Grab the button.
If you are on Twitter, post a link to your blog with the hashtag #ThinnerThursday and I’ll retweet. I can’t wait to read about your Thinner Thursday.
Let’s encourage one another on to living healthier lives! 

(If you are in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, be sure to check out the Alderney Landing Farmer’s Market.)


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