With the holidays fast approaching, we are sharing some information to think about when it comes to giving pets for the holidays.
“What do you think about adopting a pet this Holiday season?” You asked… we’re answering!
We are very excited to say that this controversial myth that pets adopted during the holidays are returned more has been de-bunked! The ASPCA conducted a study and found that pets adopted as gifts are NOT more likely to be returned once the “new” wears off. In fact, 96% of people who received pets as gifts reported their love and attachment actually increased or wasn’t affected at all!
To check our findings here at the Nova Scotia SPCA, we ran a report that confirms there is absolutely no increase in returns of shelter pets after the holidays! When you adopt from the Nova Scotia SPCA, we ensure that everyone in the family is on board with the decision and responsibilities involved.
If you’re spending a quiet holiday at home this holiday season, what a great time to spend it with a new bestie like Duffey! Duffey is one of our long-term kitties that has been with us since June! For more info on this sweet gal, call us at 902-468-7877 (option 6).
If you cannot adopt, please consider donating to care for SPCA furry friends like Duffey while they await their forever families here: www.novascotiaspca.ca #GivingTuesday is coming up!
We love your concern for animal welfare and we’re happy that this fear is not going to stand in the way of a best-friend match this holiday season! (NSSPCA)
“It’s really important to make sure the person has the time for them, and to make sure the pet is the right age, breed, and activity level for them and their lifestyle,” says BC SPCA manager of animal welfare Kim Monteith. “It is a big commitment – one that could be 15-20 years – so we want to make sure people are ready for a pet and want the pet they’re given.” (via BC SPCA)
Source : Release / NSSPCA & BCSPCA