
Corona/COVID-19 Racial Discrimination Reported In Nova Scotia



Nova Scotians are asked to be vigilant against discrimination based on ethnic or national origin as global health concerns heighten.

Reports of discrimination against members of the Chinese community and other communities impacted by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) are appearing in the news. Because of this, Nova Scotians are being reminded that it is illegal to discriminate against anyone based on their ethnic or national origin, race and/or colour.

Additionally, the Nova Scotia Human Rights Act protects against discrimination based on an irrational fear of contracting an illness or disease.

The commission encourages people to take precautions based on the most current advice from public health officials. Reactions based on stereotypes must not replace responsible actions based on evidence.

Any member of the public that feels they have been discriminated against is encouraged to contact the Human Rights Commission.

To learn more about the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission visit


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