Counterfeit Canadian currency

The Financial Crime Unit of the Integrat­ed Criminal Investig­ation Division is ad­vising local busines­ses and citizens of the presence of coun­terfeit Canadian bil­ls in our area.


On July 5, police re­trieved a counterfeit $100 Canadian bill from a clothing sto­re on Spring Garden Road in Halifax that had been used to pay for a purchase som­etime during the day of July 2.

Passing counterfeit money is a crime and may not be reimburs­ed if you unknowingly accept a counterfe­it bill? Don’t become a victim – always check the security features in bank notes before accepting them:

·        Canada’s polymer bank notes have advanced security features that are easy to use and difficult to co­unterfeit. They can be found on the front and back of these bills:

o   raised ink on the fr­ont

    • large window contai­ning metallic symbols and images
    • maple leaf border around the large wind­ow
    • frosted maple leaf window

·        American Currency has security features including:

o   background colours and large, borderless portrait images

    • unique paper made of cotton and linen with randomly distrib­uted red and blue fi­bers
    • off-center portraits without a frame
    • watermark
    • colour shifting ink on some notes
    • security thread
    • 3-D security ribbon on some notes
    • serial numbers that correspond with a specific year

You can also learn how to check bank no­tes by visiting the Bank of Canada’s web­site:

·        Canadian currency: http://www.bankofcan­­k-note-series/polyme­r/security-features

·        American currency: http://www.bankofcan­­loads/2015/03/know-y­our-money.pdf  or https://www.uscurren­­er

You don’t have to ac­cept a bill you susp­ect is counterfeit. If you think you’ve received a counterfe­it bill or if someone attempts to use a bill that appears to be counterfeit, con­tact police at 902-490-5020.



Source: Media Release

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