
Crash and Splash: Helicopter water crash demo at Falck Safety Services


The staff at Falck Safety Services have the kind of job that their clients will never forget: Water survival training. And they showed off a bit of what they do.

For the demo,  deep sea drillers were learning how to deal with any incidents that could occur travelling to or from oil rigs out in the Atlantic,  and what to do in cases of water evacuation from an oil rig.  The skills taught here are to aide in confidence while in distress,  allowing crews to keep a clear head in the event of tragedy.

Wearing high tech safety suits,  the class was put through many scenarios,  including rolling and holding their breath in a disorienting looking device,  to full out helicopter crash and roll in a very realistically built helicopter frame.

With incredible tools and machines,  the instructors ensure that all clients know what to expect.   Falck can simulate extreme conditions,  including heavy rain,  flashes to simulate lightning with a booming thunder clap,  a very cold separate pool,  and more.

Marketing Coordinator  Ben Rossong says it isn’t common for those on course to panic or have issues.   Although the training may appear drastic,  instructors are very good at ensuring safety and a professional environment.

This course is held initially for 5 days,  with recertification only requiring a 2 day follow up. Specific training may be requested by different clients,  such as the military.

Many different services use this training,  from military to various commercial services,  and some private as well.   As the use of our waters varies so widely,  proper survival training and equipment can literally be the difference in some cases.

Photos below are from a crash into water simulation,  including rough seas at one point.











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