
CrossFit Games Open 13.4 Recap


CrossFit Games Open WOD 13.4 wasn’t as bad as 13.3, that’s for sure!

7 minute AMRAP of:

 3 Clean and jerk @ 135 pounds
3 Toes-to-bar
6 Clean and jerk
6 Toes-to-bar
9 Clean and jerk
9 Toes-to-bar
12 Clean and jerk
12 Toes-to-bar
15 Clean and jerk
15 Toes-to-bar…

The biggest obstacle for me on this workout was the weight of the clean and jerk.  I only weigh in at 170 pounds, so this is almost my bodyweight.  My 1RM (one rep max) on the clean and jerk is 225 pounds but I haven’t pushed weight like that in about 5 months due to my shoulder injury.  I wasn’t scared of the toes-to-bar at all and I knew I could plow through them fast and use them as my active recovery.

My plan of attack on this WOD was to keep a steady pace on the clean and jerk and go fast on the T2Bs.  If and when I got to the point where I was dropping the bar and doing single C & Js, instead of stringing them together, the plan was to get right back on the bar as soon as it stopped bouncing (thanks for the advice Chris Spealer).  The other plan was not to do the T2Bs until failure because I didn’t want to burn out my forearms.

For the most part I stuck to this plan fairly well.  Immediately after I did the workout, as I lay on the floor, I didn’t think there was much more I could have done but after watching the video I saw I took a few longer breaks than I wanted to.

As usual I wanted to hit this WOD a second time on Saturday but I kind of tweaked my rotator cuff again and decided not to go after it. I’m pretty sure I could have gotten to 70 reps but I didn’t think it was worth pushing my shoulder and risking further injury before 13.5.  That being said, it allowed my two good buddies, Alex and Jordan, to beat me on this WOD, letting Alex gain on me in the overall standings (I’m still just barely ahead of him) and Jordan pulled ahead of me (again, just barely).  As disappointed as I am about this, it sets up for an awesome final workout for 13.5.

I’m pumped for the final announcement on Wednesday and still crossing my fingers for some handstand push-ups.  How did you do on 13.4? Do you have any great rivalries going on with some of your friends? What do you think is going to be in 13.5?


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