
CrossFit Games Open WOD 13.3 was NOT designed to be done twice.


What do I say about Open WOD 13.3?  Well, the title really says it all; it was NOT designed to be done twice, especially not twice in 60 hours.  How do I know this? I know this because I DID do it twice in less than 60 hours, and it was NOT fun!

WOD 13.3 was a repeat of last year’s 12.4;

150 Wall Balls @ 20 pounds
90 Double Unders
30 Muscles-Ups

As many reps as possible in 12 minutes.

As I have been doing previously, I hit this WOD on Thursday after studying and researching how to attack it on Wednesday, with the plan to go at it again on Sunday morning if need be.

I had set what I thought was an realistic goal of hitting 245 reps for this WOD and on Thursday I was beyond stoked to hit 243 reps. However, even though I set up two cameras to record my workout (as I’ve been having video camera issues on every WOD so far during the Open) once again technology failed me. Apparently my Canon T2i can only record 13 minutes of video which got to double-under 77 and none of my muscle-ups and my iPhone is being a spaz and froze a few times missing reps throughout the workout and missing all of my muscle-ups at the end.

Seriously? How did I get screwed over AGAIN?

I was so happy that I had 243 and I wasn’t planning on redoing the WOD at all, so to have this happen was really upsetting.  My legs were fried, my shoulders were toast, and I didn’t know if I was actually going to redo this WOD even if I wanted to.  I started an email correspondence with the CrossFit Games support staff asking them about how video submissions worked and if my videos would be accepted and I could have submitted my one video that stopped at DU 77 but not the video that froze.  This meant that I only would have had 227 reps.

After a lot of thinking, contemplating, stretching, ice bathing, foam rolling, complaining, bitching and moaning, and even though I could still barely walk, I decided to go after 13.3 again.

This time I had THREE cameras set up and two camera people running them, but guess what, that didn’t matter!  Two of the memory cards filled up and one cut short. However, fortunately for me, the video that cut short got all my reps because I was only able to hit 240 reps this time around.  The part that pisses me off is that if I had of done any of the muscle-ups, the camera wouldn’t have gotten the footage anyway…

243 reps would have put me 367th on WOD 13.3 and 514th overall in Canada West but instead my 240 reps put me at 606th on 13.3 and I sit 611th overall.  I’m still “happy” about 611th but I deserve to be sitting at 514th.

It’s official, The CrossFit GODs hate me.

I’m trying to get over this whole experience, but right now I’m still a bit rattled (mainly because I feel like I got screwed over because I know I did well on this WOD) and I’m anxiously awaiting the announcement of WOD 13.4 and I’m hoping it’s something that falls into my wheelhouse and that I can get a great score on and feel like the CrossFit GODs don’t hate me anymore.

How did you do on 13.3?  Have you had any letdowns during the Open?  Have you bounced back?  What do you do in life when you’re kicked down?  Personally, I always get back up fighting and I plan on getting back up with my fists flying like a madman!


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