L-A: So, fun fact about me: I’m seriously into bees. The whole bees disappearing thing actually causes me great concern.
I mean, maybe they’re aliens leaving Earth, but probably not. And that’s kind of a bummer since bees do important stuff like pollinate.
Which is why I’m delighted that my yard in the summer is bee central. I’m even planning a bee garden this summer (which means planting a bunch of flowers that bees might like in a disorganized fashion).
And while it’s unlikely I’ll single-handedly save the bees from disappearing with a few flowers, I have found another way of saving them: jewellery!
Yes! That’s right! I can combine my love of over-accessorizing with my love of bees. Perfect, n’est pas?
The first step was last year’s purchase of a Jenny Bird bracelet, which has a standing invitation to the arm party.
It’s super cute. (Also, off topic, I miss that red bracelet from Second Storey. I wore it until the clasp died from exhaustion).
And now I’ve found a new and equally lovely way to help save the bees. Meet the necklace I’m currently coveting:
This one is a bit more of a splurge, but it’s going to happen this summer. Because as Wayne once said:
Click here to view the embedded video.
But seriously y’all. It’s adorable and Birks is ponying up cash (10%) to a honeybee foundation. I have no idea if this will help the bees, but I know I’ll feel better and I’ll have a super nice necklace. (It would probably mean more if I dropped close to $10k on a diamond honeycomb necklace, but let’s be real, a girl has got to pay the rent for the year).