In advance of Father’s Day every year, library staff think of ways to promote stories about fathers and fatherhood. When I saw the opportunity to write a blog post to mark the occasion, I had the idea to highlight books which explore the complicated relationships that many (most?) of us develop with our dads.
In searching out these stories, I expected that I would have to wade through a current of warm and fuzzy fiction populated by excruciatingly happy families with uniformly positive male role models; like something out of a Hallmark card. Au contraire! I can report that books of this sort are rather overwhelmed by other, messier stories that represent the full diversity of what fatherhood can mean.
In fact, I was so spoilt for choice that I organized the books into different categories – fiction, non-fiction, and graphic novel – and limited myself to four titles each. Whatever “fatherhood” means to you, I hope you’ll find something to interest you from this selection.
Pedal by Chelsea Rooney
Medicine Walk: a novel by Richard Wagamese
The Lost Language of Cranes: a novel by David Leavitt
Detachment: an adoption memoir by Maurice Mierau
Blood, Marriage, Wine & Glitter: essays by S. Bear Bergman
When you’re a transgender parent, the discussion of what fatherhood means takes on an entirely new dimension.
Leaving Before the Rains Come by Alexandra Fuller
Graphic Novels
Two books and two very different perspectives on fatherhood by the celebrated graphic novelist.
A User’s Guide to Neglectful Parenting by Guy Delisle
Fun Home: a family tragicomic by Alison Bechdel
Bechdel recently won a Tony Award for the theatrical adaptation of Fun Home.