
Daniel Wellington Comes To Halifax (+ Giveaway)

Some might argue that the days of the wrist watch are long gone. Much like the land lines and rotary phones (if you can remember them) of yesteryear we’ve quickly replaced these items with our beloved smart phones.
Time and time again we make the argument why do I need a watch I have a clock right here.

Well I’m here to tell you blog reader that I once was one of those people (mostly because I had this weird thing were I killed watch batteries as fast as I took breaths, but that’s beside the point) I never wore a watch, and I often prided myself on not wanting to wear watch because I didn’t want to feel rushed or knowing what time it was (yeah yeah I know I was young okay). That was until….

I found this guy! Like I mentioned above I never wore a watch, and now I can’t even imagine my life without one. Whenever I forget to put it on I find myself staring at my wrist in confusion because it’s not doing me any favors.  I know you have a clock on your phone, but if you’re like me you’re already attached to that thing like glue, and sometimes it’s nice to give yourself a little break. I mean do you really NEED to see all those notifications when you’re already late for something? Yeah I didn’t think so.

In addition to the constant bombardment of emails, likes, comments etc have you ever dropped your phone and shattered the screen all over the sidewalk? Well I have, and actually quite recently, so I’ve been trying to minimize the amount of times I’m hauling that bad boy out of my purse or pocket. Apple care aside it’s a $100 I’d like to keep in my pocket (no pun intended… okay maybe a little).
If you’re a long time reader of Short Presents you know that I adore my Daniel Wellington, and if the photos above don’t exemplify this I don’t know what will. My DW (the Classic Sheffield view details here) is the perfect hybrid of dressy and causal; I literally wear it with everything, and all year round. 
I’ve had this watch for the better part of a year, and I’ve pretty much worn it from day to night the entire time, and I can’t tell you how many people have stopped me to ask where I got my watch. Whenever anyone asked me about it I kind of cringed because at that time I had to say online. I know that a lot of us lovvvvvvvvvve our online shopping, but there’s still something that intimidates people about it and I completely get it: if it’s not your thing it’s not your thing.  The good news is dearest (and local) blog readers is that you can actually purchase your Daniel Wellington right here in Halifax at The Vault. With two convenient locations, one on Spring Garden, as well as the Halifax Shopping Centre you can now conveniently shop for the watch in person 🙂 and try it on to see which style and color most suits you.

And even betttttttttter (and just in time for back to school/ work) thanks to the lovely folks at The Vault you can win a Daniel Wellington ($200 value) for yourself! See details below YAY! 🙂

Head over to my Facebook (click here) and Instagram/twitter (@shortpresents) accounts and look for the image you see above and simply follow the instructions. It’s super easy! 
*Please note that this contest is only open to the Halifax Municipality, and the contestant must be able to pick up the watch in person. Please only enter if you live in the area 🙂 Apologies for any inconveniences, and stay tuned for more #SPgiveaways coming soon. Don’t be late this contest won’t last long! 
Thanks for reading! 

Short Presents

**This post was sponsored by The Vault, but all opinions expressed are my own. Thank you for supporting my sponsors, and allowing me to bring you great free content xo.  

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