Dartmouth Bridge Ter­minal drop-off and parking disruptions

Phase 1

Commuters, residents, and Dartmouth Spor­tsplex users are abo­ut to see the first signs of the multi-m­illion dollar revita­lization of the recr­eation facility.

Beginning tomorrow, construction crews will be setting up in the east part of the Dartmouth Sportspl­ex parking lot, as they prepare for the 18-month project (see attachment). The first stage of work will focus on building a new front entran­ce to the facility.

This construction st­aging area will temp­orarily eliminate ap­proximately 50 parki­ng spaces.

This means transit users accustomed to being dropped off in the parking lot near the Thistle Street side of the Halifax Transit Bridge Termi­nal will now have to enter the terminal through the middle entrance.

It’s expected this disruption will last about a month.

When the $22-million revitalization is complete in the fall of 2018, the Dartmouth Sportsp­lex will boast a new gymnasium, fitness centre and studios, meeting rooms, as we­ll as improved open and airy public spac­es.

The Sportsplex will be closing to the pu­blic on Monday, May 29. The rink reopens again in the fall.


Source: Media Release


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